Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Paulding Light

The Paulding Light also known as "The Dog Meadow Lights" have been a mystery in Upper Michigan for over 40 years. To this day you can see them on almost any night! Personally I first witnessed this strange light in february of 1999, and to my surprise the ghost light moved towards us floating in mid air and it looks exactly as if someone was carrying a lantern. As it started to get closer to us it would vanish and start all over again each time moving towards us faster and FASTER! There are some haunting legends for this phenomenon for example, some say one night around forty years ago, a railroad switchman while holding his lantern was crushed to death between two cars while trying to signal the engineer. Others say that an engineer was murdered along the old railroad grade that runs parallel to the road the light appears. Another story tells about a man out late one night carrying a lantern looking for his lost little boy in the
woods. Supposedly, the man was hit by a train and his ghost continues to search for his son! Some people even have claimed to have seen the "GRIM REEPER" floating across the road near the light!! Skeptics say it is nothing more then car lights in the distance or glacier gas. But no matter what it is, you are
still fascinated and spooked while viewing this bizzare light as it starts walking towards you!! I ended up using these clips in my movie by the same name.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wohhaaa... scary stories about that light :S

2:49 PM  
Anonymous raju said...

yes i like this


8:39 PM  
Anonymous raju said...

it's very easy

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful and wonderful,
thank you

1:36 PM  
Anonymous شبكة نور الحياة said...

Beautiful and wonderful,
thank you

1:38 PM  
Anonymous el cajon condo said...

i like this "The Paulding Light". this post give lots of information about "The Dog Meadow Ligths".

3:08 AM  

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